Thursdays are my kick-off day to the weekend, to family fun times, to the occasional mommy-time, to doing things out of the ordinary. Thursdays are filled with optimism, a look toward the future. Hope.
Which leads me to question . . . are the preceding days of the week filled with despair? Condemnation?
No. I joke with HP that most of the time, on most days, I know I am exactly where God has me to be. I liken it to a feeling of 'bliss.'
But, let's not kid ourselves, being a SAHM isn't exactly the lavish lifestyle of the rich & famous. There's whining, diapering, cooking, cleaning (though I don't get to this one as often as I'd like), instructing, encouraging, & the inevitable fighting to handle.
Yet, helping to shape 3 of the people in the next generation brings me great joy, great consideration, great confusion, great frustration, and great satisfaction.
What I hope to share in this newly revived blog is my struggles, triumphs, cares, laughs, & my world.
And with that, my blog has begun anew. Welcome.
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