Have you ever had one of those days where you felt liked you worked tirelessly the whole day through and then wondered what in the world you accomplished when you reach the end of that day?
That was my Monday, April 5. I started my day with a relatively short, but task-filled, list. Some basic things topped it. Laundry, clean the kitchen, grocery shopping. And some not-so-common things (for me anyway). Mowing the lawn, switching out toys, cleaning OUR room.
I started with our room. It had been since Christmas since I had attempted to tackle the clutter that seems to grow if left unchecked. And I paid for not having addressed such clutter before today. I was in our room for the whole morning, minus breakfast time & getting dressed/ready time. I looked up & saw it was 10 after noon. Whoops. And it wasn't even done. . . . sigh . . .
So I carouse the young'ens into the kitchen for some left-over lunch followed by quiet time for all. (This is a cherished time of day -- for me anyway.) Addie fought tooth & nail for an hour. "Addie, get in the bed." "Addie, if you get out of the bed again, you will not get any tv time today." "Addie, if you get out of the bed again, Mommy is going to take your paci." After an hour of this, I told her quiet time was over. She bounded out of her room, full of energy.
On to some yard work. The push mower needed oil & we didn't have any. (Did I mention this was to be the first mow of the year?) The riding mower's battery had died over the winter. So, all I could do was some trim work with the electric weed eater.
About 10 minutes into it, Little Miss No-Nap falls into her hold-me-I'm-so-tired phase. I can't take this. Um . . . Oh! I have a check I need to put in at the bank. And . . . to get the kids excited . . . we'll stop by Sonic on the way. (Yeah, it was for the kids.)
Sweet tea. Sprite. Cherry limeade. "Thank you Mrs. Allisonkiwi." And, as I suspected . . . Addie has fallen asleep. We drive home. The older two are sent to their power wheels. I open every available opening on the van so Addie won't get too hot, cuz I ain't movin' her! That girl needs her sleep. I get the trimming done in the front. I can't go to the backyard because I would be out of eyesight of Addie.
I can't go inside. What to do? What to do? Ah . . . transplanting daffodils. Yes. Not on the list, but that's about all I can do now.
Doing this takes 2 hours. Jonathan gets home. Yes, honey, I need you to get some pizza because I haven't cooked.
Pizza for everyone. Ironing. Finish cleaning our room. Oh, and there's that online class I need to work on . . .
Tomorrow WILL BE better! Maybe I will only tackle one thing on my list for tomorrow.
Whew, sounds familiar! I'm so glad it's warm now though so we can at least let the kids out to play and burn off some energy. Are you taking or teaching an online class?
I'm teaching this semester & for some reason I let Dianna talk me into teaching two sections . . . lotta grading for sure!
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