On our first attempt at a walk, we got pounded by rain! So much fun racing back to the van. HP & Addie won, though, I have to say they won as Addie was on wheels (stroller). Otherwise, I (plus E & Josh) would've won. ;)

We drove around a bit until the rain let up some. Then we walked by the river & found lots of cool stuff. Josh's fave: discarded little boy underwear. Ew! Here are a few of our other finds:

Some kid of mushroom. Do you know what it is? I'm not a big mushroom connoisseur.

Not sure what this guy is either -- maybe some kind of fritillary. If you know, please share!

Not a great pic, but I think this guy is an American Goldfinch. He's missing some wing bars, but I don't see them listed as field markings. (I think this may mean she's really female.)

One of many deer to see.

We had to wait to for these geese to cross the road.

We saw this guy on our way out.
After we left (without seeing any rabbits -- no surprise since they are mainly nocturnal), we came home to take a short nature walk down our street. And there we saw our cotton-tailed rabbit!

And Puddle came too!!

1 comment:
Love the pics!
We saw a cotton tail in our yard just yesterday - helping himself to Philip's garden. ;)
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