Thursday, December 9, 2010

Riddles for thought

Emelye has recently gotten into riddle-telling. She hasn't quite caught on to how they work, though.

She and Josh regularly "quiz" each other, making up their own riddles. I wrote a few down from the other night. Enjoy!

Some of Josh's
What kind of plane doesn't fly?
One that doesn't have wings

What clock doesn't work?
A broken one

What strawberry are you not supposed to eat?
A poison one

What dinosaur does not bite?
A baby dinosaur

. . . and some of Emelye's
What kind of door doesn't open?
One that is locked

What kind of horse can fly?
A horsefly? Not so quick . . . It's a Pegasus

What do you call a fairy without wings?
A walking fairy

What bird can't fly?
A baby bird

What egg does not open?
An egg that's empty

1 comment:

Karen said...

Love it, especially the "walking fairy" one. :)