Emelye has recently gotten into riddle-telling. She hasn't quite caught on to how they work, though.
She and Josh regularly "quiz" each other, making up their own riddles. I wrote a few down from the other night. Enjoy!
Some of Josh's
What kind of plane doesn't fly?
One that doesn't have wings
What clock doesn't work?
A broken one
What strawberry are you not supposed to eat?
A poison one
What dinosaur does not bite?
A baby dinosaur
. . . and some of Emelye's
What kind of door doesn't open?
One that is locked
What kind of horse can fly?
A horsefly? Not so quick . . . It's a Pegasus
What do you call a fairy without wings?
A walking fairy
What bird can't fly?
A baby bird
What egg does not open?
An egg that's empty
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Birthday catch-up#2
A few months ago, I set out to make plans for a combined bday party for the two older ones whose birthdays fall 10 days apart. In the past, I have made two specialty cakes which take (for me) inordinate amounts of time. This year I was to make only one cake.
The design? Well, I left that up to Josh & Emelye. They had to agree. The rules were simple -- talk to each other. I am not mediating. Don't beat each other. When you've reached a decision, let me know.
I thought this assignment in negotiation & compromise would, if nothing else, be entertaining for me. And honestly, being that she is older & more cunning than her 4-year-old brother, I thought I'd be making some kind of pink fru-fru cake that Josh "approved" and "wanted."
Emelye campaigned heavily for a pink Polly Pocket cake full of rainbows, unicorns, flowers and all sorts of pinky goodness. Josh would hear none of it. (I was cheering on his stead-fastness inside!) Josh said that having a Batman cake would be the better option. I was afraid that a stalemate would ensue & maybe even a physical fight. Gridlock. Two stubborn wills trying to go at it.
Then, in a truly "aha" moment, Emelye came to Josh with the ultimate compromise. A wedding cake. For Batman & Polly Pocket.
And, so, I (crudely) fashioned a Batman/Polly Pocket wedding birthday cake.
Now for a little pic explaining, top down . . .
#1 -- Mimi gave Emelye an American GIrl Doll, Emily.
#2 -- Emelye's new book, Danny the Duck with no Quack
#3 -- Emelye reading about Jenn & Mike taking her to the America Girl Doll place in ATL.

#4 & 5 -- Addie reaction upon seeing her new "Minnie Mouse" polka dot pants.
#6 -- Addie's very own Bitty Baby, American Doll.

#7 & 8 -- Josh opening a remote control Drifting Lightning & upon learning that Jenn & Mike were taking him to Dinosaur World in KY.

#9 & 10 -- The cake!

#11 -- the food
The design? Well, I left that up to Josh & Emelye. They had to agree. The rules were simple -- talk to each other. I am not mediating. Don't beat each other. When you've reached a decision, let me know.
I thought this assignment in negotiation & compromise would, if nothing else, be entertaining for me. And honestly, being that she is older & more cunning than her 4-year-old brother, I thought I'd be making some kind of pink fru-fru cake that Josh "approved" and "wanted."
Emelye campaigned heavily for a pink Polly Pocket cake full of rainbows, unicorns, flowers and all sorts of pinky goodness. Josh would hear none of it. (I was cheering on his stead-fastness inside!) Josh said that having a Batman cake would be the better option. I was afraid that a stalemate would ensue & maybe even a physical fight. Gridlock. Two stubborn wills trying to go at it.
Then, in a truly "aha" moment, Emelye came to Josh with the ultimate compromise. A wedding cake. For Batman & Polly Pocket.
And, so, I (crudely) fashioned a Batman/Polly Pocket wedding birthday cake.
Now for a little pic explaining, top down . . .
#1 -- Mimi gave Emelye an American GIrl Doll, Emily.
#2 -- Emelye's new book, Danny the Duck with no Quack
#3 -- Emelye reading about Jenn & Mike taking her to the America Girl Doll place in ATL.

#4 & 5 -- Addie reaction upon seeing her new "Minnie Mouse" polka dot pants.
#6 -- Addie's very own Bitty Baby, American Doll.

#7 & 8 -- Josh opening a remote control Drifting Lightning & upon learning that Jenn & Mike were taking him to Dinosaur World in KY.

#9 & 10 -- The cake!

#11 -- the food

Birthday Bonanza!
A bit of a catch-up post here . . . we had a combined bday party for the older two in August & our November Addie had her celebration last week.
Addie's first, since hers is fresher in the mind. ;)
We had her party at Miller's Grocery, a neat little place in Christiana. I made her a "Minnie Mouse" cake. This year's was a plain sheet cake iced with pink buttercream icing & white polka dots & trim. (Anything pink or red with white polka dots is automatically christened a "Minnie Mouse _____________.")

Her outfit was made by Melissa Flowers of Puddin Pop Designs. She had outgrown her official Minnie Mouse dress that my mom had made a year or two ago, so she's got a new one now!
And no visit to/ from Mimi would be complete without some fabulous "prizes" & clothes for the other kids! Josh got some new Cars stuff & Emelye got some Pet Shop toys.

Addie's first, since hers is fresher in the mind. ;)
We had her party at Miller's Grocery, a neat little place in Christiana. I made her a "Minnie Mouse" cake. This year's was a plain sheet cake iced with pink buttercream icing & white polka dots & trim. (Anything pink or red with white polka dots is automatically christened a "Minnie Mouse _____________.")

Her outfit was made by Melissa Flowers of Puddin Pop Designs. She had outgrown her official Minnie Mouse dress that my mom had made a year or two ago, so she's got a new one now!
And no visit to/ from Mimi would be complete without some fabulous "prizes" & clothes for the other kids! Josh got some new Cars stuff & Emelye got some Pet Shop toys.

Thursday, September 2, 2010
My Little Artist
When HP & I moved into our house 6 years ago, we re-painted all of the walls. (Well, HP & some of our friends did. I was quite preggo, so I tried to look busy doing something else.)
I picked out a higher gloss paint thinking that we would soon have little hands touching & probably drawing on them. And I wanted a slick finish so we could (theoretically) clean off the wall surfaces a little more easily.
Emelye came. Then Josh came. And there were no written markings on the wall. I had a mixture of emotion -- patting myself on the back for having awesome kids that don't mark on the walls and kicking myself a little thinking the high gloss paint wasn't really worth it.
Then Addie came. Addie met markers, crayons, pencils, & pens. She will mark on any surface, including herself, with any type of marking instrument. And don't blink. She's quite sneaky, holding pens under the table & looking so innocent all the while drawing on the chair where she sits.
My friend Shawna remarked that she had never seen Addie w/o some lovely Addie illustrations to decorate her legs & arms. She also told me that she & Scamp hide the markers & crayons before Addie comes over.
Last month I went on a crusade to round up all marking instruments & put them in a combination safe. No joking here. I found a lovely little locking file box at Office Depot. That helped some. The thing to remember about Addie is that she is sneaky. So, I may have the crayons out for the kids to color while I make dinner. She will actually take a few crayons out of her box & hide them for later use.
So, while I don't always take her markings in stride, I am glad that we have high gloss paint & I am thankful for her creativity. And I do smile (usually) to myself when I see her latest drawing on her legs. (Truth be told, those don't really bother me because they get rid of themselves in the bath.
Here's one of her latest (before I hid the crayons):

I picked out a higher gloss paint thinking that we would soon have little hands touching & probably drawing on them. And I wanted a slick finish so we could (theoretically) clean off the wall surfaces a little more easily.
Emelye came. Then Josh came. And there were no written markings on the wall. I had a mixture of emotion -- patting myself on the back for having awesome kids that don't mark on the walls and kicking myself a little thinking the high gloss paint wasn't really worth it.
Then Addie came. Addie met markers, crayons, pencils, & pens. She will mark on any surface, including herself, with any type of marking instrument. And don't blink. She's quite sneaky, holding pens under the table & looking so innocent all the while drawing on the chair where she sits.
My friend Shawna remarked that she had never seen Addie w/o some lovely Addie illustrations to decorate her legs & arms. She also told me that she & Scamp hide the markers & crayons before Addie comes over.
Last month I went on a crusade to round up all marking instruments & put them in a combination safe. No joking here. I found a lovely little locking file box at Office Depot. That helped some. The thing to remember about Addie is that she is sneaky. So, I may have the crayons out for the kids to color while I make dinner. She will actually take a few crayons out of her box & hide them for later use.
So, while I don't always take her markings in stride, I am glad that we have high gloss paint & I am thankful for her creativity. And I do smile (usually) to myself when I see her latest drawing on her legs. (Truth be told, those don't really bother me because they get rid of themselves in the bath.
Here's one of her latest (before I hid the crayons):

Our Moths Have Emerged!
So in my last post, I mentioned something about finding some white caterpillars around the b'fly garden & identifying them as Virginia Tiger Moth caterpillars. Well, the first one emerged a few days ago & I wanted to share some pics.
Emelye put him outside to "be with his family" once he emerged.

Emelye put him outside to "be with his family" once he emerged.


nature study
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Our Butterfly Garden -- updated
Well, the lovely little bordered patch caterpillars have thoroughly destroyed Mr. Sunflower. His head even lies in repose.

Most of the caterpillars have moved on to greener pastures, but there are a few hanging around still.

We also have found some of these guys around:

They are Virginia Tiger Moth caterpillars. They eat just about anything we've found. I found them on the sunflower, the coreopsis, and some weeds. We "adopted" one. (Emelye named him/ her Fuzzy.) A few days ago, s/he spun his cocoon:

We'll see how long he needs before he emerges (and if I've correctly identified him as a caterpillar!)

Most of the caterpillars have moved on to greener pastures, but there are a few hanging around still.

We also have found some of these guys around:

They are Virginia Tiger Moth caterpillars. They eat just about anything we've found. I found them on the sunflower, the coreopsis, and some weeds. We "adopted" one. (Emelye named him/ her Fuzzy.) A few days ago, s/he spun his cocoon:

We'll see how long he needs before he emerges (and if I've correctly identified him as a caterpillar!)
nature study
Friday, July 30, 2010
Slumber Party Time!
Emelye had her first sleepover last night with her best-friend, Scamp. Scamp absolutely insisted on doing make-up & Emelye insisted on painting fingernails. (And, of course, Addie got in on the action by default.)
Josh was on the verge of tears when finding out that boys just don't wear make-up & nail lacquer. So, during the mini-makeover, he got to play his Lighting McQueen video game. This proved to be a bigger plus in his book.
After the girls got all dolled-up, they watched Tinkerbell & the Lost Treasure, ate popcorn & chocolate milk.
Here are a few highlights from the girls.
Notice all of the marker on Addie's legs. She's quite the artist . . .

Scamp is SUCH a poser1 HeHe!

Josh was on the verge of tears when finding out that boys just don't wear make-up & nail lacquer. So, during the mini-makeover, he got to play his Lighting McQueen video game. This proved to be a bigger plus in his book.
After the girls got all dolled-up, they watched Tinkerbell & the Lost Treasure, ate popcorn & chocolate milk.
Here are a few highlights from the girls.
Notice all of the marker on Addie's legs. She's quite the artist . . .

Scamp is SUCH a poser1 HeHe!

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Our Butterfly Garden
This year we took an active effort in planting an actual garden to attract butterflies. We planted some host plants (for caterpillars) & nectar plants (for the adults). The plan was to have a fun zone for all members of the butterfly family-- something for everyone! Well, the flood drowned much of our seedling plants. And some just didn't grow.
Still, we have a sunflower going strong, a verbena, lots of zinnias, some cosmos, butterfly bushes, and something from my mom's garden (can't remember the name). Oh, and I even got a few milkweed plants from my parents' land. (They always mow them down because the cows shouldn't eat them.)
And then . . . today . . . I spotted the first "batch" of caterpillars under one of our sunflower leaves.

And then, I discovered 3 more "groups" of caterpillars on different sunflower leaves.

Front of leaf:

So the big question then -- what are they?
Answer: Bordered Patch Butterfly Caterpillars
After doing a little reading I discovered that they will probably mark the end to our sunflower. I asked Emelye if she would rather us kill the caterpillars or let them kill the sunflower. (She worked hard to have both after all.) She decided having caterpillars/ butterflies was a bigger pay off to her than having a big sunflower.
Now we wait to see how long Mr. Sunflower will last. Well, maybe. I also read about how Mockingbirds just love to munch on these little caterpillars. Since our yard birds are Robins, Mockingbirds, & Sparrows, the game is on! Who will win -- caterpillars or sunflowers/ birds?!?!!? I watch too much reality tv . . .
Still, we have a sunflower going strong, a verbena, lots of zinnias, some cosmos, butterfly bushes, and something from my mom's garden (can't remember the name). Oh, and I even got a few milkweed plants from my parents' land. (They always mow them down because the cows shouldn't eat them.)
And then . . . today . . . I spotted the first "batch" of caterpillars under one of our sunflower leaves.

And then, I discovered 3 more "groups" of caterpillars on different sunflower leaves.

Front of leaf:

So the big question then -- what are they?
Answer: Bordered Patch Butterfly Caterpillars
After doing a little reading I discovered that they will probably mark the end to our sunflower. I asked Emelye if she would rather us kill the caterpillars or let them kill the sunflower. (She worked hard to have both after all.) She decided having caterpillars/ butterflies was a bigger pay off to her than having a big sunflower.
Now we wait to see how long Mr. Sunflower will last. Well, maybe. I also read about how Mockingbirds just love to munch on these little caterpillars. Since our yard birds are Robins, Mockingbirds, & Sparrows, the game is on! Who will win -- caterpillars or sunflowers/ birds?!?!!? I watch too much reality tv . . .
nature study
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Our second family nature walk
This week's feature animal was the cotton-tailed rabbit. This means we go out on our nature walk, investigating interesting items, but we have a larger purpose of digitally capturing rabbits. We drove to David Crockett State Park in Lawrenceburg which is about 2 hours away from us. We did this for one big reason -- naps in the van! We left directly after lunch, forged through the pouring rain, & arrived in L'burg around 3pm.

On our first attempt at a walk, we got pounded by rain! So much fun racing back to the van. HP & Addie won, though, I have to say they won as Addie was on wheels (stroller). Otherwise, I (plus E & Josh) would've won. ;)

We drove around a bit until the rain let up some. Then we walked by the river & found lots of cool stuff. Josh's fave: discarded little boy underwear. Ew! Here are a few of our other finds:

Some kid of mushroom. Do you know what it is? I'm not a big mushroom connoisseur.

Not sure what this guy is either -- maybe some kind of fritillary. If you know, please share!

Not a great pic, but I think this guy is an American Goldfinch. He's missing some wing bars, but I don't see them listed as field markings. (I think this may mean she's really female.)

One of many deer to see.

We had to wait to for these geese to cross the road.

We saw this guy on our way out.
After we left (without seeing any rabbits -- no surprise since they are mainly nocturnal), we came home to take a short nature walk down our street. And there we saw our cotton-tailed rabbit!

And Puddle came too!!

On our first attempt at a walk, we got pounded by rain! So much fun racing back to the van. HP & Addie won, though, I have to say they won as Addie was on wheels (stroller). Otherwise, I (plus E & Josh) would've won. ;)

We drove around a bit until the rain let up some. Then we walked by the river & found lots of cool stuff. Josh's fave: discarded little boy underwear. Ew! Here are a few of our other finds:

Some kid of mushroom. Do you know what it is? I'm not a big mushroom connoisseur.

Not sure what this guy is either -- maybe some kind of fritillary. If you know, please share!

Not a great pic, but I think this guy is an American Goldfinch. He's missing some wing bars, but I don't see them listed as field markings. (I think this may mean she's really female.)

One of many deer to see.

We had to wait to for these geese to cross the road.

We saw this guy on our way out.
After we left (without seeing any rabbits -- no surprise since they are mainly nocturnal), we came home to take a short nature walk down our street. And there we saw our cotton-tailed rabbit!

And Puddle came too!!

MY very own nature walk
Read about MY nature walk on my photography blog! We took another nature walk on Friday (I'll post sometime), and I clearly understood that these nature walks are for the kids' enjoyment & education. So, that means I take my own walks sometimes. Check it out to see what I found & help me identify a few items.
nature study
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Our {super early} new school year
Well, since March (yes, March), Emelye has been insisting on starting 1st grade on July 1. I tried to emphasize that there was no rush and even threw in something about the Y's pool still being open in July. Nothing seemed to dissuade her. So, in an effort to help fuel her love of learning, we began school on July 1 this year.
Here are some pics from our first day. (E wanted to wear a "special dress" since it was a special day.)

Addie working on her "sun & stars" drawing.

Emelye's drawing morphed into a birthday card for Mimi. :)

Tonight we had our first nature walk. We'll be taking this once a week as part of our science this year. Our first quarter covers mammals. And our first mammal -- the gray squirrel.
From my college days I remember how these vicious little rodents would seemingly pelt walnuts at passersby in Walnut Grove. So, that's where I thought we should go to get some good squirrel watchin' done. Well, maybe we went out at the wrong time of day. We did see a few, but they were always far away.
And it didn't help matters that the 3yo boy would try to chase them whenever we pointed out a new sighting.
We still found a few and some other cool 'naturey' things too.

Squirrel nest

Addie's pine cone

And, not to be outdone, Emelye promptly spilled out her pine cone stash too.

Partial walnut with teeth marks (about 11 o'clock)

Emelye had her camera too. (She's quite the photographer.)

We found a few locust shells. Emelye would have no part in picking these off the trees!

My one shot of an actual squirrel.
Here are some pics from our first day. (E wanted to wear a "special dress" since it was a special day.)

Addie working on her "sun & stars" drawing.

Emelye's drawing morphed into a birthday card for Mimi. :)

Tonight we had our first nature walk. We'll be taking this once a week as part of our science this year. Our first quarter covers mammals. And our first mammal -- the gray squirrel.
From my college days I remember how these vicious little rodents would seemingly pelt walnuts at passersby in Walnut Grove. So, that's where I thought we should go to get some good squirrel watchin' done. Well, maybe we went out at the wrong time of day. We did see a few, but they were always far away.
And it didn't help matters that the 3yo boy would try to chase them whenever we pointed out a new sighting.
We still found a few and some other cool 'naturey' things too.

Squirrel nest

Addie's pine cone

And, not to be outdone, Emelye promptly spilled out her pine cone stash too.

Partial walnut with teeth marks (about 11 o'clock)

Emelye had her camera too. (She's quite the photographer.)

We found a few locust shells. Emelye would have no part in picking these off the trees!

My one shot of an actual squirrel.
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